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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

You are here: Home > Institute > Research projects > Social Diagnosis of Wroclaw 2017

Social Diagnosis of Wroclaw is a 360-degree survey of the inhabitants of the city. Main areas of research are: quality of life in households, individual quality of life, role of external infrastructure and services (offered by the city) in creating sense of satisfaction of living in Wroclaw.
Social Diagnosis od Wroclaw 2017 was carried out using CAPI method (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) on the sample of 2000 inhabitants aged 15-80 living in Wrocław for at least 6 months prior to research.
Just like in the previous editions of the survey (2010, 2014) the logics of "omnibus" research was adopted, which means that researchers aimed at presenting a multidimensional picture of the city. However, each edition has also its specific features: this year they were related to new important phenomena of changes in the public sphere of the city, revitalized discussion on the role of the local districts and individual quality of life.
Since 2014 we have beed observing a heated debate over new development goals for the city - clearly, inhabitants are looking for a better quality of life understood as better quality of urban environment, more efficient public transportation, urban recycling of dillapidated urban areas and more vivid social life in the local districts.
Year 2017 marked the end of large-scale cultural and sport events which took place in Wroclaw. They have determined and ptrifieed the image of the city (Euro Cup, ECoC 2016, The World Games 2017) but also were a significant impulse for the development of tourism and hospitality businessess as well as offered some new ways of spending leisure time for the inhabitants. In the survey we have asked about the social consequences of these event and about the prerequisities for sustaining them.
Probably the most important and definitely most current phenomenon taking place in the city is the influx of migrants, particularly from Ukraine, which serves like a mirror reflecting the accuracy of the popular stereotype of people of Wroclaw as open, tollerant and multicultural. Such an autostereotype on the one hand and radicalizing, xenophobic messages coming from the government representatives creates a sensitive context for the presence of migrants in the city.
There are also significant changes in the labour market in the city - the unemployment is very low, and companies find it difficult to find workers. We have also looked at what does it mean for the people of Wroclaw to be employed and change jobs in a situation which is sometimes called "an employees labour market".
Full report is available at: 
Kajdanek K., Pluta J. red., 2017. Wrocławska diagnoza społeczna 2017. Raport z badań socjologicznych nad mieszkańcami miasta. Wrocław