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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

You are here: Home > Current Students > News for students > Remote classes on December 19–21 2022 and January 3–5 2023

The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences has decided that all classes in the Faculty buildings – including the Institute of Sociology – will be held remotely on December 19–21 and January 3–5. The reason is the ongoing repairs, which will be causing serious communication disruptions and a high level of noise on these days. Any classes in other buildings will take place normally.

For Intercultural Mediation students, this means that the classes on December 20 and January 3 (Tuesdays), as well as January 5 (Thursday), will be held online. However, the classes on December 21 and January 4 (Wednesdays), which are located in non-Faculty buildings, will still take place as usual, i.e., offline.
