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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

You are here: Home > Institute > Structure > Department of the Sociology of the Public Sphere

Department of the Sociology of the Public Sphere

The Department conducts research on social determinants of political beliefs, civil society, grassroots social initiatives, electoral behaviour, hidden power relations in social life, traditional and new social movements. In addition, the department deals with the analysis of the public sphere and the political behavior of citizens, globalisation and new political conflicts, culture as a sphere of political conflicts, power as a sociological phenomenon, and relations between class divisions and other divisions in society. The department also carries out research on the media, both as means of communication and as instruments of power and shaping public opinion, as well as organizations. The interests of the department’s staff also include the communication of public institutions with their environment. In the area of research on local government and self-government, analyses of the quality of life in cities are conducted. Further, research is carried out to identify the expectations of residents and to decode the mechanisms of shaping local development policies.

The department’s staff of the cooperate with many public and local government institutions, such as the City Council of Wrocław, the Marshal Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, the Lower Silesian Teacher Training Centre, the Institute for Territorial Development, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.