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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

You are here: Home > Events > Online seminar Platform Capitalism and Digital Economy”

Online seminar “Platform Capitalism and Digital Economy” (11th February)

Pro-Dean for Science and Development at The Faculty of Social Sciences, dr hab. prof. UWr Mateusz Błaszczyk invites for online seminar:

11th February, 12:00, at MS Teams (link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGZiMDFmZGMtOGNkYS00Nzk1LWJhY2MtYWIwOWU2YjRmNzNl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b71bef9-3b13-4432-b5f4-1f5ac2278d0c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c3397f24-2b2d-4565-84dd-1a171c60ab23%22%7d)

Our speaker will be Jan J. Zygmuntowski and he will present the introduction to the topic “The network-factory. Digital platforms, capitalism and the emancipatory struggle”.

Abstract: “New technologies connected the world, yet they intensified the expansion of capitalism and provoked its transformations. Markets reach where they have never been before, revolutionizing corresponding forms of accumulation and power.

During the seminar we will take a look at the gated ecosystems of platforms and data-driven surveillance to understand how they became so prevalent - and what could stop them, turning users into free subjects once again”.

Jan J. Zygmuntowski – economist interested in development studies, economy and politics of new technologies and the digital economy. Lecturer and PhD candidate at Kozminski University in Management and AI in Digital Society. Co-president of the Polish Network of Economics. Co-founder and 2015-2020 Chairman of the Board at Instrat think-tank, where he was responsible for research programme "Digital Economy". He gained experience, among others, in the Polish Development Fund. He advises and supports technological projects with a positive social impact. Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, fellow of G20 Global Solutions and the British Council and Møller Institute. Author of the book “Network Capitalism” (“Kapitalizm Sieci”, 2020).

The seminar is open for participants outside the University.
