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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

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dr Mateusz Karolak

Department of General Sociology

Office hours:

  • Wednesday 9:30-11:30 (room 213)(after previous appointment via e-mail)


Research Interests:

Selected publications

Publications in UWr’s database

Journal Papers:

Book Chapters:

Edited Journal Issues:

Selected Translations:

Public appearances

Papers and Presentations

Workshops, Seminars and Summer/Winter Schools

Invited lectures and participation in debates

Research Experience

Apr 2016 – present

Researcher - University of Wroclaw, Institute of Sociology, Wrocław (Poland)

Research in the Polish-German PREWORK project: Young precarious workers in Poland and Germany: a comparative sociological study on working and living conditions, social consciousness and civic engagement.

more: www.prework.eu/en

Funding: National Science Centre Poland, German Research Foundation

Sep 2016 – Sep 2017

Leading Researcher - University of Wroclaw, Institute of Sociology, Wrocław (Poland)

Research in the individual project: Return migrants inclusion and employment: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland

Funding: National Science Centre Poland, ETIUDA 4

Mar 2013 – Feb 2016

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher - University of Wroclaw, Institute of Sociology, Wrocław (Poland)

Research in the Work Package “Inclusion and Exclusion” of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Changing Employment” (The changing nature of employment in Europe in the context of challenges, threats and opportunities for employees and employers)

more: www.changingemployment.eu

Funding: European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development

Jan 2015 – Mar 2015

Trainee - European Trade Union Institute, Research Department, Brussels (Belgium)

May 2010- Mar 2011

Contractor, Berlin (Germany)

Research Project: Causes and Consequences of Socio-cultural Integration Processes among New Immigrants in Europe

Feb 2010 – Jun 2010

Student Research Assistant, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)

Research Project: Foreigners in Poland. Cultural heterogeneity of metropolitan centers – the case of Poznań.



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