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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Socjologii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Studenci > Ogłoszenia > Uniwerstet w Goteborgu zaprasza do udziału w szkole letniej


Uniwerstet w Goteborgu zaprasza do udziału w szkole letniej w 2023 roku. Z oferty można skorzystać w ramach krótkich mobilności Erasmus+.

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ogłoszeniem. Zgłoszenia do udziału przyjmuje koordynatorka programu Erasmus+: Katarzyna.Kajdanek@uwr.edu.pl

University of Gothenburg Summer School for Sustainability will run from July 3 to August 4, 2023. Students will have the opportunity to join an international cohort of like-minded people for five inspirational weeks, to act on sustainability issues and deepen their understanding of global challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All of this on campus in Gothenburg, the thriving innovation- and cultural hub on the west coast of Sweden that has been appointed the most sustainable city in the world for six years in a row (by the Global Destination Sustainability Index).

Students will be able to choose one of five courses in the areas of education, politics, biology, digitalization, or humanities. All courses are given at bachelor's level and taught in English, are valid for 7,5 credits (ECTS), and combine workshops and seminars.

The courses for 2023 are:


The summer school also features and extensive social programme, interdisciplinary seminars and practical workshops, study visits, get- togethers, tours of the city, and excursions in the archipelago to let students get to know Gothenburg and Sweden.

Some information and deadlines for 2023:

Tuition fee: for 2023 we are once again waiving the tuition fees for students from our partner universities.

Nominations: because of last year’s overwhelming interest, each partner is offered 2 nominations (unless otherwise agreed).

Nomination period: February 1 2023 – March 1 2023

Application period: March 1 2023 – March 31 2023

Nomination link: the nomination link and more instructions will be sent out in January 2023


Please find attached an information booklet in PDF-format for you to share with your students in the hope that it will spark their interest.

We have also created a mini social media kit with films adapted for social media marketing. We would be delighted if you considered using these to market our offer to your students. The films are available for download via OneDrive.

Please visit our homepage for updated information on the Summer School

University-of-Gothenburg-Summer-School-for-Sustainability-2023 (PDF / 8.56 Mb)