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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Socjologii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Wydarzenia > Seminarium z prof. Patrice McMahon: Ordinary People: How Poland Responded to Ukrainian Refugees and What it Says about our Future.


We would like to invite you to participate in the seminar with prof. Patrice McMahon:  Ordinary People: How Poland Responded to Ukrainian Refugees and What it Says about our Future.

The seminar will be held on April 28 from 10:30-12:30 at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wroclaw.

Please register by completing the formular: https://tinyurl.com/ywf9pp63


Prof. Patrice McMahon will talk about her research and the book she is preparing (”Ordinary People”). The seminar will be also dedicated to the importance of doing fieldwork in “a digital world” and will raise some methodological and ethical issues related to doing fieldwork in crises.

Ordinary People is a compelling work of creative nonfiction that chronicles the responses of individuals and organizations in Poland to the influx of Ukrainian refugees in 2022. Through vivid storytelling and insightful analysis, this book not only depicts how these events unfolded but also reveals what they signify for the future of humanitarianism, the role of cities as key players in global affairs, and the growing challenges faced by displaced populations worldwide. By focusing on the bottom-up, grassroots efforts that emerged both on and offline, Ordinary People highlights the vital importance of local communities and individuals in responding to humanitarian crises. The book showcases how ordinary citizens can become extraordinary agents of change, demonstrating the power of empathy and solidarity in the face of adversity. Through its storytelling, Ordinary People also sheds light on the broader political and social dynamics at play. It underscores the urgent need for greater attention and resources to address the growing global displacement crisis


Patrice McMahon is a Fulbright Scholar based at The Adam Mickiewicz University. McMahon is also a Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the US. She is also the Director of the University Honors Program. Her research focuses on humanitarian affairs, peacebuilding, civil society activism, and U.S. foreign policy. She is the author of The NGO Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond (Cornell University Press, 2017) and is the co-author of American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: U.S. Foreign Policy, Human Rights and World Order (Routledge: 2017). Her research has appeared in various publications, including Foreign Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Human Rights Quarterly, East European Politics and Societies, Democratization, and Ethnopolitics and has been supported by the US government and private foundations, including the German Marshall Fund. Her most recent publication is co-authoring a special section of East European Politics and Societies on civil society activism in Central and Eastern Europe in which she writes about activism in Poland. She also has written articles for The Conversation on Poland – : Poland’s Hospitality is helping Ukrainians thrive; Poland’s warm welcome to about 2 million Ukrainian refugees draws global praise; What grassroots humanitarians should know. McMahon is currently co-editing a book, People Power: Activists in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe and working on a project on grassroots humanitarianism in Poland.