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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Socjologii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Wydarzenia > Wykład dra Siarheia Liubimau 

Zaproszenie na wykład dra Siarheia Liubimau pt. "Politics of scale in urbanist action research"

15 maja godz. 10.00

Zakład Socjologii Miasta i Wsi serdecznie zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych na otwarty wykład dra Siarheia Liubimau pt. "Politics of scale in urbanist action research".

Wykład odbędzie się 15.05.2019 roku w sali 234 Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, ul. Koszarowa 3 o godz. 10.00. Po wystąpieniu prelegenta przewidujemy dyskusję na temat przedstawionych zagadnień:

This talk reflects author’s four years engagement in the Laboratory of Critical Urbanism (European Humanities University, Vilnius) ongoing participatory research, educational and soft planning projects in a mono-functional town of Visaginas, built in 1970s in Soviet Lithuania to serve Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (decommissioned in 2009). This LCU research, which started in 2014, is focused on Visaginas transformation after interruption of the INPP, and hence after town’s disconnection from ‘nuclear’ infrastructural network, centrally planned from Moscow and Leningrad. Since 2016 it is guided by the notion of ‘knowledge infrastructure’ and is realized in applied fashion of action research and educational workshops to elaborate new concept for Visaginas public library. Starting point of these research and workshops was observation that town’s public library both as institution and as infrastructure, planned in Soviet modernist fashion, requires re-tooling in new circumstances of digitalization, as well as of increasingly competitive multi-lateral and multi-scalar determination of town’s resources – jobs, human capital, institutions, built environment, etc.   

Siarhei Liubimau is based at the European Humanities University in Vilnius, where he has co-founded Laboratory of Critical Urbanism (2007) and teaches at the Department of Social Sciences (full-time position from 2014). He got his doctoral degree in sociology from the Polish Academy of Science (2010). He was part of Bauhaus-Dessau Kolleg 'EU Urbanism', and a fellow at the Central European University (Budapest), Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) and Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.